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Posté : mer. août 03, 2005 8:08 pm
par Figg

lupin said to harry that his father was too young to be the half blood prince, but snape has been at hogwarts in the same time, so he can't be the HBP, because the book was so old to be snape's
I don't think that it's her mother property, its not possible, because her mother was not a mudblood,she just married a muggle....

Behind that, JK rowling give we before the time we can read HP and the HBP an extract of her book, she said that this extract was the physical description of the HBP, and when we read HP and the HBP we can see that this description was the desciption of rufus scrimgeour, the minister of magique(look chapter one....)

So I think that we can't trust one more time snape, he just wish to be as popular and well-known as james and friends....
he's a traitor, I can't think that he will be the HBP...
maybe the HBP and RAB are the same person lol!!!!

I know I know my spirit like to complicate the things, but I don't trust snape now....
@deus: what will be the other side???it's not possible, just good people and dark people, we can't said that there is other side, it's so absurd,
tell me what is your opinion, what will be this other side?I search but I don't find?help....

@floudud: I can't read it and don't talk about , this book is so cool we're agree, but it's so far away of my favorite, the third, yeah harry moves and all,they happened many things, but I don't know why I don't like it so much....
and to conclude...dumbledore has been a father for harry, he has been the most powerfull wizard in the world, I really don't understand why he has trust snape, and why he could have think that he's in the good side...
it's so impossible.....I don't understand....
oh I forgot, if we want know who is RAB, maybe we can see it if we re-read all books, it's possible, I'm going to do that If I've got time...


Posté : jeu. août 04, 2005 7:11 am
par Deus
@ Figg :supposse there a neutral party or another "dark lord". Suppose R.A.B is only a "concurrent" (sorry forgot the word) to Voldy.
He whish is death to take's place...
Or maybe is part of the good side of the "force", I can't take ther is only Dumbledore against Voldy. He can't be alone so, a third part could be existed.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I like the idea of third part. ( Neutral part would be a wise choice , trust me)

Posté : mer. août 24, 2005 5:28 pm
par aléthéia
euh whouhou serait-il possible éventuellement de penser à ceux qui ne seraient pas anglophones (oui comme moi je suis NUUUUUUUUUULE).
J'ai une question : est ce que sirius est vraiment mort ? Parce que c'est trop horriiiiiiiiible.
Non sinon je ne comprends ce qu'il se passe avec Rogue.
Ca me parait pas très cohérent avec les précédents épisodes.
Si des bilingues avaient la gentillesse de me répondre. (ou d'effacer mon topic si elles considèrent qu'il a pas à être en français)

Posté : mer. août 24, 2005 5:38 pm
par Deus
Let's Rock: I've just finish read it again and I got another theory. She's nasty but I love it ;-)
Just after finish the tower stuck chapter and the other one I got a revelations: Snape's Dumbledore and Dumbledore's Snape. I know; it's very unlikely but think a minutes the've take polijuice potion :!:
After that the echange between Dumby and Harry in the cave is much more inderstanding. Snape watch is father injuried is mother and i'm by extension.
Xhat do you think of it ? Y awaits your deep reply ;-)

Posté : mer. août 24, 2005 5:48 pm
par floudud
@ aléthéia: je crois que j'ai expliqué pourquoi le choix de ne pas parler en Français. Il faudra que tu patientes si tu veux tout comprendre (désolé pour les modos, mais il fallait je le dise!)!

@deus, I'm sorry, but I don't really understand why Dumby could have been Snape? According to me, that's not so possible. But maybe I fail!

I'd talked about it with my brother, and he told me any person think that Dumby had asked Snape to kill him. Otherwise, Snape would die! that would be a great idea! Maybe Snape is a real kind boy :lol: (I don't believe he is, but if Dumby trusts him, why shouldn't we?)

i'm currently writing my scenario for the 7th, and in my plans, I got the ideas for 15 chapters! And they're quite good, really (no, I'm not a pretentious!)

Posté : jeu. août 25, 2005 9:20 am
par Cell

J'enrage je ne connais rien de rien à l'anglais c frustrant vous le faites expres je vous en veuxxxxx lol :cry:
c pas grave je vais attendre :tape:

Posté : mar. août 30, 2005 12:45 pm
par anaelle
wow in english
hum escuse my english please^^

About Snape and dumbledor's death
Some people as floudud think that dumbledor has ordered snape to kill him to save draco and himself if he doesn't have an other choice.
So this people said that the "please" of dumbledor is for "please kill me, it's the best think to do"
I don't know if Snape is on dumbledor's or voldemord's side but it is an interesting question.

For the idea of the polyjuice deus i don't think it possible. I don't see dumbledor act so much like the real Snape when Harry is after him.

for snape and the half blood prince:
Snape is a master in the art of making potions and so was the prince
Snape, i think, is very smart as the prince and can made up spells.
and the mother of severus snape was a "prince" and she married a muggle
so i think that the book was the book of sanpe's mother and after that the book of severus "the half blood prince".

Some people think that RAB was Regulus A. Black "the brother of sirius" who try to escape voldemort and was murdered.

I loved that book is one of my favorites.

Posté : mer. août 31, 2005 9:19 pm
par Nephitys
Does anyone think that Harry is ready to fight Voldy? I don't think he is, if you compare his power to dumbledor's one at the end of the 5th book. I think he was lucky each time he met V : he succeeded in escaping, but not in fighting him! In one year he will have to kill V, or to be killed by his enemy.... What about if he failed?? That would be horrible, but maybe more realistic...

Posté : jeu. sept. 01, 2005 10:11 am
par Figg
In my mind, harry will dead in the last book...
he we'll fail his mission, because it's logical lol.
Indeed, if he kill You Know Who, it will be a bad history, because if harry survives, we can said "harry is a hero, he can't died" and all...and I don't think that's possible...
Maybe he's going to fight with V, but he will lose,just lose his life, and V will have a jynx from harry or anything, after what V will be vulnerable(ch'ais pas comment ca se dit en anglais...) and anyone can kill him, ùaybe rogue, who's, in my mind, still in the good part of the force ^^

Posté : lun. sept. 05, 2005 3:37 pm
par beluro17
I agree with Figg on certain points:
In my mind Harry will lose against You Know Who, but I don't think he will lose his life.I think that Harry can't win against Voldemort alone but in my opinion V will die.

About thr Dumby death, I have a strange feeling, I think it couldn't be possible but I have no explanation.

Posté : lun. sept. 05, 2005 3:42 pm
par floudud
I just thought anything!
And if Harry really lose against Voldy, but instead of being killed, if Voldy persuade himself not to be against he but with him, on the same side!!!
that would be a great ending!

Posté : mer. sept. 07, 2005 11:58 am
par Flamel
That's horrible. I read it too, and I was very very sad when I saw by whom was Dumbledore killed. Severus Snape, evidently, he was one of the most suspectly suspect... But kill Dumbledore... And to finish, he IS the Half Blood Prine who Harry had follow the advice all the long of the year... :'(

I want to tell my word about the horcruxes : that is a very bright method to staying alive...

I hope Harry will die with Voldy : It could be a really funny end

Posté : ven. sept. 09, 2005 9:24 am
par aveam
Ok I just finished reading Harry Potter last night, well rather this morning at 2am. It was so interesting that I was totally glued to it. I've been resisting to enter this forum because I didn't want to discover anything before reading the book. It was really intense and highly emtional at the end and all. It's reallt hard to believe that Dumbledore is dead, Dumbledore the only wizard that Voldermort feared. Anyway, I was really wondering too about Severus Snape and where and how he fits in all this. Anaelle said that he might have been following Dumbledore's orders and that's something that I just had not thought of but which is worth exploring and it does sort of make sense too. In book 5, Snape rushed to inform dumbledore when Harry thought that V had caught Sirius in the Ministry. This makes me believe then that logically he was still on Dumbledore's side. But then you could argue that he did it to lure dumbledore there too but that would be really stupid. Without Dumbledore, they could kill Harry very easily. That would then mean that Snape was still with the order in book 5 then. Beginning of book 6 he was really cornered and would have blown his cover (if he indeed was working for Dumbledore) and did not accept to make the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa. That would mean that he simply joined V so as to spy on him for Dumbledore as Lupin was doing too anyway. That would also explain how Dumbledore knew about Draco's plans because he admits so when he is faced to him at the end. Even Harry did not know that much, he only knew that Malfoy was up to something with Snape. So that would mean that Snape was indeed spying on V's activities and would confirm what Anealle said. There is a black spot though with leaves open any interpretation. Nobody knows what happaned when Snape left his room till he faced Dumbledore. Could he have tried to fight off the Death Eaters or did he just rush to kill Dumbledore? But then that would also mean another thing if Dumbledore knew he was going to be killed. That means that he believes that Harry Potter is now ready to face Lord Voldermort.

And of course there is the big question of who is the famous RAB. Another wizard and on whose side is he? Definitely not with V be will he/she be with Harry though? Interesting to note that Hermione could not find him up as it is so common. Can it thus mean that it is not simply a name but something else like a group?

Will Harry die? Whatever happens in the story it seems unlike that JKR will kill the hero of the story. Harry has gone through several really hard blows and deaths. He has suffered a lot and that has made him grow. He is even thinking of not returing to Hogwarts, something he would not have done before. He has got the intelligence of Hermione with him on his side too. So, although he has always won against V thanks to luck, he migh maybe really win this time. I really don't think that JKR will make him kill V just through luck. But though he will kill V, he will suffer many losses, most likely that someone to whom he is really close may die in the process. Or JKR may decide to simply let him be killed but that would be an unlikely end if you follow the classical narrative structure.

Oh there's just so much to say. I'm just waiting impatiently for the next one...
But I just thought of something. If they don't go back to Hogwarts next year, t would not be necessary for JKR to stop on book 7 then because they will have already left Hogwarts and she can continue their story out of Hogwarts.

Posté : lun. sept. 26, 2005 7:10 pm
par mel
Hi everybody...

I hadn't had enought time yet to come here and speal about harry potter. I read HP & the HBP this summer very quickly, and then in august I translate all the beginning to my brothers who do not like english !! So I've had a little time to think about it.

I don't know whether RAB is nasty or not. MayBe he will help Harry to fight Dumbledore. However, JK Rowling is transforming Harry into an egoist boasting boy who is just thinking to himself. So I believe that he will probably die, and that the reader would be happy that Harry die and not Hermione or Ron.

About Snape, I can't believe that he is a treator : i think that he had read in Dumbledore's mind what he had to do and he didn't have the choise. It will lead him to help harry or RAB to kill Voldemort. Dumbledore prefer to die rather than Malefoy to be killed. But I think that Snape is the HBP : as Hermione explained it, is mother's name is Prince and he is a half-blood prince only because is father is not a "Prince"...

About the ministry of magic it is very strange that a new character become minister... We don't know anything about him, and he seems to be exactly as Fudge... Not very interesting at first sight... May be he will surprise us in the 7th book

Posté : jeu. sept. 29, 2005 8:13 pm
par Canard

edit mel : oui :lol:
As-tu essayé au moins (le lire pas le voir au ciné...) ?

Bah au ciné je me suis endormi devant le film je trouvais pas top du tout.
Maintenant non j'ai jamais lu aucun livre c'est vraiment différent?

Posté : sam. oct. 01, 2005 3:05 pm
par Deus
About the new ministrer of magic: For me is like Churchill. :lol:
I know the comparaison's strong. But for me it's a man who can do everything to win. What's most important's : VICTORY. So he could use Harry just like a pawn and trash it afterward....
But Harry's not a pawn, it's a "queen" (if I may tell).

Posté : sam. oct. 01, 2005 4:33 pm
par mel
a queen ? he would be very happy to hear that :lol: I saw something in the Frensh edition of Harry potter so I'll tell it il Frensh

dans les toutes premiere pages, quand Bellatric et la femme de Malefoy rendent visitent à Rogue celui-ci montre une hésitation pendant the Unbrakable Vow : sa main s'éloigne un peu de celle de Narcissa... Ce n'est peut être pas pour rien ? Il est pitetre pas vraiment méchant ? (malgré la suite que nous connaissons...)

Je cherche d'autres indices :lol:

Posté : sam. oct. 01, 2005 8:10 pm
par Canard

edit mel : oui :lol:
As-tu essayé au moins (le lire pas le voir au ciné...) ?
Bah au ciné je me suis endormi devant le film je trouvais pas top du tout.
Maintenant non j'ai jamais lu aucun livre c'est vraiment différent?

Posté : sam. oct. 01, 2005 9:31 pm
par mel
franchement oui... j'ai pas du tout aimé les films qui sont obligé de couper des pans entiers du bouquin... m'enfin ça reste la même histoire et le même univers... si c'est ça qui te déplait ça va pas être marrant à lire ;-)